Sovereign people, naturally, have the power to rule their homes, communities, and nations.
A freely-elected representative government has no power that is superior to the People, because sovereignty resides in the People, not in the representatives of the People.
It is often reported that officials are “elected into power”, whereas they are actually “elected into office”. An elected official can only have delegated powers, because they are always subservient to their electors. Public Servants, by definition, are subservient to Private Sovereigns.
Unfortunately, most people do not exercise their sovereignty.
Sovereign living people are in the Common Law jurisdiction – the national Law-of-the-Land (lawful), while legally generated corporate “artificial persons” created by the State are in the Admiralty/Maritime/Commercial jurisdiction – the international Law-of-the-Sea (legal).
Employees of a corporation cannot exercise authority over their Chief Executive Officer (CEO), nor can “artificial persons” created by the State exercise authority over an incorporated governmental agency. Therefore, people who “act” in the “roles” of “artificial persons” have NO sovereign authority.
Corporate processes of hearing and redress are subservient, for example “submissions”, “appeals”, and “petitions”. Whereas Common Law processes of hearing and redress are sovereign, for example “notices”, “orders”, and “declarations”.
Governments at all levels, including city and town councils, have been legally incorporated into the global debt-money system of bondage and largely usurped by a myriad of corporate interests.
But whenever governance in any form becomes harmful to the People, it is the right of the People to hold such governance to account, to seek redress for wrongdoing, or ultimately to institute new governance that will safe-guard the People.
All political power is inherent in the People, and all political organisation begins at home. Therefore, the political powers of the People are first exercised governmentally when electing and overseeing their local Public Servants on a town or city council.
When a community of Private People wishes to exercise their sovereign authority over their Public Servants in the Common Law, they can post a Notice of a People's Assembly, during which they can ratify any majority decision of the community.
By this process, a community of Private People can serve a notice on their Public Servants, or write a community Bill of Rights, and so on, if they deem it necessary to protect their community of life.
The documents created by a People's Assembly must be autographed by a freely-elected Committee, witnessed, and acknowledged for the record by a Justice.
In Common Law nations, community Justices are sworn to serve the Private People, upholding the Common Law-of-the-Land, which protects life and peace.
A Justice of the Common Law is known appropriately as a “Justice of the Peace”. Their service is free, and mobile, to ensure accessibility. They can hold a Common Law “court-of-record” wherever they set up their desk with their documentation, Bible, stamps, and pen.
Common Law procedures are common sense. Conduct must be fair and transparent, providing full disclosure of any information relevant to decision-making.
Notices of People's Assemblies for your community, and notices sent to Public Servants, must provide a reasonable time-frame for a response, such as at least seven (7) days. Statements of fact according to belief must be witnessed by at least one other man or woman in the presence of a Justice of the Peace, or a similarly sworn man or woman.
Public Servants have no authority that is not granted to them by the Private People, and once a People's Assembly has spoken on a community matter, there is no higher authority who can overturn it.
A Community Bill of Rights example:
Community Powers
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