Maxim of Law:
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt.
All men are equal as far as natural law is concerned.
[men = men/women = people]
All men are equal as far as natural law is concerned.
[men = men/women = people]
“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.”
Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.
Your consent is your agreement for something to happen that involves your Rights. Consent is voluntary, or a matter of free choice, and must be given “willingly”. Your consent is your agreement, permission, approval, or acquiescence (including your silent acquiescence). Possessing the “Right of Consent”, means that you have the “Right of Contract”.
Your Right to Contract, or Not to Contract,
A sovereign man or woman, by definition, permanently reserves their Right of Consent, and all their Unalienable Rights, during their lifetime. Your Right of Consent is inborn (private) and antecedent to the creation of the State (public).
Representative governments are elected by, and restrained by, people who exercise their Right of Consent. Your right to give consent, or to refuse consent, is not suspended between elections.
Indeed, it is only by not consenting to onerous governance, that it is possible to prevent the descent of governance into a state of exploitation, oppression, and tyranny.
All governments, however politically organised, govern subject to the consent of the people, one and all, every day, and every moment.
The people of a nation are naturally above any government that they create, because that which is created can never be above its creator. The informed and freely given consent of each man and woman is what gives rise to, and maintains, “the law” of the nation, which is the “Law of the Land”. As the maxim of law says: Consent makes the law.
Consent, to be true, must be fully informed and willing, and otherwise is falsely obtained and revocable. Any man or woman who has given their consent under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, or coercion, can withdraw their consent retroactively, or “now for then” nunc pro tunc, undoing the entire matter, correcting any errors or omissions caused.
Maxim of Law:
Non videntur qui errant consentire.
He who errs is not considered as consenting.
Maxim of Law:
Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere quo colligatum
est; ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus
obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur. Nothing is so natural
as to dissolve anything in the way in which it was bound together;
therefore the obligation of words is taken away by words; the
obligation of mere consent is dissolved by the contrary consent.
De facto incorporated governments, also, cannot possibly have jurisdiction over de jure living people, unless by fully disclosed and willful consent. Each and every statute enacted by government legislation requires consent from each and every man and woman, including you!
But consent is given in many ways, often unknowingly. The definition of the word “consent” includes to “yield” and to “give way to”. The moment you agree to anything you are asked to do, you are giving consent.
If an “artificial person” NAME gets a parking ticket in legal fiction commerce it is an invitation for a living man/woman to “pay”, and if you “pay” it you are consenting to the ticket contract.
Even the Police need your consent. Before an officer can arrest you they must read you your rights and then ask “do you understand” (stand under their authority), and if you say “yes” – you are consenting.
The origin of all LEGAL jurisdiction over YOU
is YOUR given consent.
All statutes, codes, rules, regulations, and so-called by-“laws”, are commercial contracts written by your government that require your fully informed consent. Any State document requiring a signature is a contract by consent. If you do not consent to a statutory contract, it is not enforceable on you.
Any attempt to make you consent against your will is “coercion”. Any threat to make you “sign” a contract to obtain your property is “duress” for the purpose of “extortion”, whether or not that property, such as money, is obtained. Any “legal person actor” who attempts to compel you into “joinder” to the legal “artificial person” NAME without the “full disclosure” of any information that may influence your decision whether or not to consent, commits the crime of “personage” (a “Crime involving deceit” under Section 240 of the New Zealand Crimes Act).
When “acting” in the “role” of an “artificial person”
you are contracting to give a “performance”.
An “artificial person” is a fictional creation of the State, and therefore it is controlled by the State. The legal “artificial person” NAME is the government's property, employee, servant, franchise, debtor, surety for liabilities, bound to comply with the government's statutes (acts, bills, rules and legislative instruments), which are the “terms and conditions” of that “status”.
Fictional “creatures of the State” have “status”, whereas living men and women with flesh and blood arms and legs have “standing”. The “artificial person” has no “standing”. The entire concept of fictional entities is an abstraction of the mind. It is an illusion that depends utterly upon your consent. Legal fictions are dead-at-law, and therefore it is unnatural for a living man or woman to “join” to a fiction – it is a deadly corruption of life.
Maxim of Law:
Disparata non debent jungi.
Unequal things ought not to be joined.
“Inasmuch as every [incorporated] government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons. The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators
[Note. All governments with a Central Bank under the Bank for International Settlements have been “incorporated” into the debt-money system, thereby surrendering their power to issue sovereign debt-free money. Incorporated governments are “artificial persons” operating in the International Law of the Sea, while their original de jure offices in the National Law of the Land still exist, but are largely unoccupied.]
The word person is a derivative of persona, which is a theatrical “mask” worn by actors in Greek drama. The State creates “persons” for its “theatre of commerce”, prescribing them statutory “roles” such as “resident”, “driver”, and “US citizen”, which are played by “actors” who give a “performance”, sometimes wearing a “costume” (uniform) while enacting “language” (legalese) to deliver “presentations” (bills), and occasionally they may “appear” in a legal fiction theatre (court).
Any living man or woman who consents (knowingly or unknowingly) to “act” in the “role” of an “artificial person” is an “accommodation party” in “joinder” to an “artificial person”. This “joinder” creates an inferior “indivisible duo” (individual), surrendering the living jurisdiction (de jure lawful), and replacing it with the statutory jurisdiction (de facto legal).
“Joinder” to an “artificial person” removes
the lawful standing of a Man or Woman.
Joinder: When a man or woman “acts” in the “role” of an “artificial person” they are an “accommodation party” invoking “joinder” to that “artificial person”. They are “acting” in a fictional persona. Their jurisdiction changes to that of an “artificial person” and they are therefore bound by the Statutes that control “artificial persons”. When a legal actor asks for your name, address, and date of birth, this is to establish the NAME and address of an “artificial person” - the “person”, and the date it was created by “registration”, or “birthed” (berthed) as a “vessel” in the sea of commerce. Men and women are “born”, and have a living “born identity”, which is of no use to a legal actor. Once “joinder” (consent) has been established, the legal actor has jurisdiction and can enforce contracts, imposing penalties and fines. A legal actor can obtain jurisdiction over you by asking “Do you understand?” (stand under my authority). Withholding your family name ALWAYS avoids “joinder”, and is your Right in Law.
YOUR given consent by SILENT acquiescence
makes a CONTRACT in commercial law.
The statutes, which are not “laws” but contract instruments prescribing the limitations of the State's legal fiction corporate franchises, have been corrupted to extract the “commercial energy” (credit) of the living people via fictional legal person NAMES, in a global system of debt-money bondage.
Maxim of Law:
Consensus facit legem. Consent makes the law.
A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
A contract is a voluntary agreement between two or more parties with the intention of creating a legal/lawful obligation. An “express contract” is one which has the terms and conditions specifically stated, orally or in writing. An “implied contract” is one which has the terms and conditions inferred, in whole or in part, from conduct or circumstances rather than from written or spoken words. The only difference between an “implied contract” and an “express contract” is the way that mutual assent is given. Be very careful, because your consent can be obtained by your action or in-action, including your silence (acquiescence). Your consent can be PRESUMED by your silence, unless you say: “I don't consent.”
SILENCE. the State of a person who does not speak, or of one who refrains from speaking.
2. Pure and simple silence cannot be considered as a consent to a contract, except in cases when the silent person is bound in good faith to explain himself, in which case, silence gives consent. [Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 1856 Edition]
Contract Law is based on the precepts of the People's Common Law, which simply oblige men and women not to cause harm or loss to other men or women, or to deceive other men and women, denying them their Unalienable Rights. Common Law is Common Sense.