Your Given appellation (“Given/Christian name”) is your unique Estate Title (i.e. John/John-Henry). You are given this Title for your Life, which is your “private Estate”. Your Estate is the “land”, or property, of your mind, body, and soul, and all the physical and intellectual property that derives from your living energy, including your inborn unalienable rights.
Your Family name (“surname”) is NOT part of your unique Estate Title. Nor is it a one-of-a-kind proper noun like your Estate Title. Instead, it is a shared and generic name for your “family”, “clan”, or “tribe”. It is a grammatically different plural noun, and therefore it should not be semantically “joined” to your unique Estate Title (i.e. John Doe). By doing so, your Estate is corrupted.
The ancient Greeks bore only one appellation (i.e. Aristotle). The Romans added a description including race, region, family (surname), and even the branch of the family. This was the custom into the Middle Ages of Europe, when the Title and description was written in proper grammar, i.e. John: of the family Doe, or John: the carpenter of Oxford. But when governments introduced taxation, a surname was required after the Given appellation, thereby creating a registered artificial “legal person” subject to legislation. In England, this began with a Poll Tax (or per head tax) which was levied irregularly from 1275 onward, especially to finance wars. Compelled to pay taxes, free men were coerced into contracting with the State and thereby “acting” as double name “legal persons” employed by the State, in the service of the bankers who exerted hidden influence over the Crown.
Your Given appellation and your Family name joined
is a publicly registered Artificial Legal “Person”.
After you are born, the State creates an artificial legal “person” by combining your Given appellation i.e. John/John-Henry, typically with your patriarchal Family name, i.e. Doe, registering it into existence often on a date subsequent to your birthday. The written style of the artificial legal “person” NAME is commonly the ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS double name, i.e. JOHN DOE, often prefixed with a fictional title such as “Mr/Mrs/Miss”, i.e. MR JOHN DOE, denoting the “Master” of the JOHN DOE vessel in legal commerce operating under the Admiralty Maritime international “Law of the Sea”. However, regardless of the written style, any double name created by combining a Given appellation with a Family name always forms an artificial legal “person”, i.e. JOHN DOE, and John Doe, are both artificial legal “persons”.
An “Artificial Person” is established by the double NAME,
assisted by the date and place of its creation by registration.
The artificial legal “person” (persona = mask) is a “character” created by the State to “perform” various prescribed statutory “roles” in the “theatre of commerce”. In legal terms, an artificial legal “person” can also be a “strawman”, which is a third-party name only “front” in a transaction, for the purpose of covertly taking title to real property. A “strawman” is created by legal registration on the Birth Certificate without disclosure, joining the Given appellation and the Family name, “forming” an artificial legal “person” Estate Trust, to provide “surety” for the corporate debt of YOURNATION (INC.). Consequently, people unwittingly “act” in the “role” of the artificial legal “person” Trustee.
This is identity theft by semantic deceit, and anyone deliberately practicing this deception is guilty of “personage”, the crime of knowingly representing a living man or woman as a legal fiction – a form of corporation, such as a legally registered “artificial person”, trust, public utility, society, or foundation. The crime of “personage” is routinely compounded by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court. The term “barratry”, appropriately, comes from the “Bar Association”.
A “Living Id-entity” is established by a “Given name” (Title),
and information that is proof of Life (i.e. thumbprint).
There are very few occasions when the State needs to establish your Living Identity. The State does this when a baby is born, without disclosure, in order to obtain legal Title over the baby's Estate. Evidence of the baby's Living Identity, such as a footprint, is placed on the “Record of Live Birth” with other details that confirm a live birth. This proves that the baby is the living holder in “expectancy” (Holder in Due Course) of his/her Estate Title, which can then be conveyed to the Crown, via the registration of an Estate Trust (Foreign Situs Trust) on the Birth Certificate, which is a Security Bond for the State's IMF obligations.
The artificial legal “person” re-presents you in legal fiction commerce in order to transfer your consent into the legal jurisdiction. If you “act” in the "role" of the artificial legal “person” you become an “accommodation party” invoking consent by “joinder”.
“Acting” in the “role” of a fictional legal “person”